Welcome to WEA-Chinook

Who we are

WEA Chinook is a regional office of the Washington Education Association (WEA) staffed by education professionals and governed by members to ensure greater opportunities for decision making, training, coalition building and other important activities.

Find us on Facebook here to see more about council happenings!

Services to include:

Peer support when colleagues need assistance.

Support for local association presidents as they strive to work with and for their members.

Local leadership development.

Grants for members to attend WEA's Representative Assembly, WEA Leadership Academy, and community outreach.

Training sessions as identified by member needs and requests.

This website is designed to provide information and support to WEA Chinook members.

If there is anything you would like to see on this website, call our office at 360-943-1776.

Council Corner

Chinook Council Events View All